Zimpost offers low cost money transfer service-Post Transfer

D E L I V E R I N G   P O S S I B I L I T I E S

Zimpost offers a variety of financial services at all post offices nationwide. These range from mobile money transfer services to agency banking services. Through its extensive branch network, Zimpost offers convenience and quality service to all its customers. One of Zimpost’s major obligations is to offer public access to financial services and is committed to ensuring the availability of these services nationwide.

Zimpost also offers the following financial services at most postal outlets:

  • OneWallet
  • Ecocash
  • Telecash
  • FBC MasterCard
  • Icecash
  • POSB Agency Banking
  • CABS Agency Banking
  • Steward Bank Agency Banking
  • Western Union
  • ZB E-Wallet
  • MoneyGram(all major Zimpost outlets)
  • Hello Paisa and
  • World Remit

Post Transfer is the most affordable, quick and secure way to transfer money locally and across borders. It allows customers to send or receive money locally and internationally through the postal network worldwide. It sits on an electronic platform called International Financial System (IFS) developed by the Universal Postal Union (UPU), which connects over 600,000 Post Offices worldwide and allows customers to transfer money without tying them to a bank account.

Post Transferallows customers to send or receive free funds from Lesotho, Nigeria, Tanzania, Botswana, South Africa and Kenya. Efforts to connect to all 192 member countries under the UPU are underway. The corridor to Lesotho is the latest offering, enabling the transfer of free funds to and from Lesotho.

Post Transfer has increased the ease and convenience of money transfer, enabling transfers of university fees, student’s pocket money, cross-border traders and drivers at affordable rates. Post Transfer rates are almost half of the other service providers, due to Zimpost’s huge network both locally and internationally which reduces cost of service provision. Zimbabweans in the Diaspora can also send money back home through the worldwide postal network.

Locally, Post Transfer money transfer service allows customers to send or receive money throughout Zimbabwe. With a network of 239 outlets, Zimpost is well represented even in the most remote areas. Customers can send money for fees, bus fare and pocket money to their children at boarding schools, to their parent in rural areas or to relatives at affordable rates. Unlike other money transfer options where both the sender and recipient are charged, the recipient is not charged when the sender uses Post Transfer to remit the cash.

Post Transfer Fund disbursement solution for organizations and government.

Post Transfer Domestic is also an automated platform that provides an excellent payment solution for companies and government entities by creating beneficiary databases through data capturing. The system has an audit trail feature and provides periodic reconciliations and reports to suit client needs. There is no need to register or open an account; a beneficiary or recipient simply provides proof of identity, in the form of national identification card, valid passport or driver’s license and signs for their money from any Post Office.

Send or receive money using Zimpost’s money transfer service Post Transfer because it is the most affordable way of sending or receiving money locally and internationally.

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